Selasa, 16 Januari 2018


Endah Darmasari
Ujung Menteng Street Indonesia, State 13960 (021) 452-6249

» Personal Information
Full name                : Endah Darmasari
Gender                    : Female
Date of birth           : 20 October 1997
Age                         : 20
Maritas status         : Single
Occupation             : Fresh Graduate
Interests                  : Reading, travelling, Shopping

» Career Objective
I am a freh college gradyate currently looking for accountant position. I would like to utilize my skill and experience as well as my passion. Moreover, I would like to work with other professionals to improve my skills as an accountant.

» Educational Background
Bachelor of Economy In Accounting ( 2015 -2019 )
Gunadarma University
Bekasi, Indonesia

» Summary Of Qualifications
·         Completed 7 days of course MYOB Accounting
·         Attended workshop brevet
·         Attended various seminars of economic
» Technical Skills
·         Microsoft Office (MS Word, Excel, Power Point)
·         Application Accounting ( MYOB, Zahir )

» Work Experience
Assistant Laboratory
Gunadarma University

Served as a teaching assistant in middle mamagemen and organized activities.

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